Model 202 Ozone Monitor™
EPA Federal Equivalent Method (FEM)

The 2B Technologies Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is designed to enable accurate and precise measurements of ozone ranging from low ppb (precision of ~1.5 ppb) up to 250,000 ppb (0-250 ppm) based on the well-established technique of absorption of UV light at 254 nm. Flash card memory and a quiet, long-life internal air pump are now provided standard on the Model 202 Ozone Monitor.
The Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is lightweight (5.5 lb., 2.5 kg.) and has a low power consumption (12V DC, 0.60 amp, 7.2 watt) relative to conventional instruments and is therefore well suited for applications such as:
See the Application Notes section below for some specific examples of published studies using the Model 202.
The Model 202 has been designated by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM): EQOA-0410-190.
The Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is lightweight (5.5 lb., 2.5 kg.) and has a low power consumption (12V DC, 0.60 amp, 7.2 watt) relative to conventional instruments and is therefore well suited for applications such as:
- Vertical profiling using balloons, kites, RPVs and light aircraft where space and weight are highly limited
- Long-term monitoring at remote locations where power is highly limited
- Urban arrays of ground-based detectors
- Personal exposure monitoring for studies of health effects of air pollutants
- Environmental health and safety monitoring
- Laboratory studies of the effects of ozone exposure on materials and organisms
See the Application Notes section below for some specific examples of published studies using the Model 202.
The Model 202 has been designated by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM): EQOA-0410-190.
Schematic Diagram
- GPS for continuous logging of latitude, longitude, and altitude (for 10-s data mode and above)
- Bluetooth for wireless data transmission
- Rechargeable lithium-ion battery provides 12 hours of continuous operation
- External particle filter
- Serial-to-USB adapter
- Cold-weather package (pump, lamp heater for use down to -20 degrees C)
- High-altitude upgrade (pressure sensor for use up to 25 km altitude)
- Low-power option
- Extra-long-life internal air pump
- 4-20 mA analog current output
- Rack-mount case configuration
Measurement Principle | UV Absorption at 254 nm |
Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) | Yes, 0-500 ppb for 10-40°C: EQOA-0410-190 |
Linear Dynamic Range | 0 to 250 ppm |
Resolution | 0.1 ppb |
Precision (1σ; rms noise) | Greater of 1.5 ppb or 2% of reading |
Accuracy | Greater of 1.5 ppb or 2% of reading |
Limit of Detection (2σ) | 3.0 ppb (in 10-s measurement mode) |
NIST-Traceable Calibration | Yes |
Measurement Interval | 10 s (Data averaging options: 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr) |
Flow Rate (nominal) | ~1 Liter/min |
Flow Rate Requirement | >0.6 L/min |
Baseline Drift | < 2 ppb/day < 5 ppb/year |
Sensitivity Drift | < 1%/day < 3%/year |
Measurement Time, Frequency | 10 s, 0.1 Hz |
Response Time, 100% of Step Change | 20 s, 2 points |
Averaging Times | 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr |
Internal Data Logger Capacity | 16,383 lines (10-s meas. = 1.9 days; 1-min avg = 11 days; 5-min avg = 1.9 mo; 1-hr avg = 1.9 yr) |
SD Card Logger Capacity | Minimum 2 GB (> 5-year capacity for 10-s measurement mode) |
Ozone Units | ppb, ppm, pphm, µg m-3, mg m-3 |
Pressure Units | mbar, torr |
Temperature Units | °C, K |
T and P Corrected | Yes |
Operating Temperature Range | 0 to 50 °C standard; optional -20 to 50 °C with low temperature modifications (pump and lamp heater cold-weather package) |
Operating Altitude Range | ~0-13.5 km (150-1,013 mbar) standard; optional ~0-25 km (30-1,013 mbar) with upgraded pressure sensor |
Power Requirement; Supplied by battery or 110/220 VAC Power Pack |
11-14 V DC or 120/240 V AC, 600 mA, 7.2 watt (6.2 watt with cell heater unplugged) |
Size | 3.7H x 8.5W x 11.8L inches (9.5 x 21.5 x 30 cm) |
Weight | 5.5 lb (2.5 kg); 2.8 lb (1.3 kg) without instrument case |
Analog Inputs for Internal Logging of Other Instruments | 3 Analog Inputs, 0-2.5 V; For example could log external T, P and RH |
Data Outputs | RS232, 0-2.5 V Analog, LCD Display: (Optional 4-20 mA Analog Current output; request quote) |
Data Transfer Baud Rates | 2400, 4800, 19200 |
Output Ranges | User-Defined Scaling Factor in Menu |
DewLine™ | Yes |
Quiet Long-Life Internal Air Pump | Yes |
Flow Meter | Yes |
Options | Battery; External Particle Filter; Serial-to-USB Converter; GPS (for 10-s data mode and above); Bluetooth; 4-20 mA Current Output; Cold-Weather Package, -20 to 50°C (pump, lamp heater); High-Altitude Upgrade (25 km); Extra-Long-Life Internal Air Pump; Lower-Power Option; Rack-Mount Case Configuration |
Upgradable to Model 205 Dual Beam | Yes |
System Includes
- Model 202 Ozone Monitor with quiet, long-life internal air pump
- AC Power Adapter (100-240 VAC to 12 VDC) with Country-Specific Plug
- Flash Card Memory for virtually unlimited data storage
- SD Card
- SD Card Reader
- Zeroing Cartridge
- Operation Manual on USB Stick
- Calibration Data and NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate
- Instrument Birth Certificate
- One-Year Warranty
Application Note #1
The Model 202 Ozone Monitor is ideal for use in field deployments in remote areas, in situations requiring low weight/small size/low power consumption, and where accurate and precise FEM-quality measurements are desired. This application note describes one such study, which used a Model 202 to compare measurements in the Chesapeake Bay region (shown in red below) with other nearby monitoring stations. Ozone at the site often exceeds the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards and causes the State of Maryland to be in noncompliance. A goal of the study was to understand the causes and mechanisms of the high ozone events. Read more in the summary below.
Application Note #2
The capabilities of the Model 202 Ozone Monitor in challenging field deployments were shown in this study of air quality in the marine boundary layer in the region around the Arabian Peninsula. Measurements of ozone and other trace gases were made during an extended research cruise, and illustrated the hot spots of air pollution in this increasingly urbanized, industrialized, and populated area of the world.
Confused about which ozone monitor best suits your application?
Our Tech Note #001 compares the specifications of our Models 106-L, 202, 205, 211 and POM with other high precision ozone monitors (Thermo, Teledyne-API and Ecotech).
- Decision Tree: This will help you decide which ozone monitor is best for your application.
- Comparison: See a table that compares the specifications of all of our ozone monitors.
- Applications: The most suitable ozone monitors for different applications are discussed here.
Our Tech Note #001 compares the specifications of our Models 106-L, 202, 205, 211 and POM with other high precision ozone monitors (Thermo, Teledyne-API and Ecotech).